Rocket Science is SIMPLE… Its Human Emotions that are COMPLEX.
When I first heard these lines, I just could not stop my laughter. I just could not believe these lines and said what a stupid prof. is standing in front of me and then telling me that Rocket science is similr. (At hindsight, now I feel, how STUPID was I …)
These were the lines of IC( Prof Indranil Chokraborty), our OB III professor. And then as Prof IC rightly gave the example of a Bicycle and Space craft I was simply mesmerized and at the same time realized the nadir of my ignorance and stupidity to laugh at the statement. You also consider this, then evaluate which one is more complex :
You are a scientist at NASA, programming for the soon to be launched spacecraft to the Red planet, The Mars. Now in this case you can exactly predict the trajectory of the space craft and the exact location of the craft at any point of time in future. This is possible even before the space craft is launched into the space. So basically, the motion and movements of the craft are 100% predictable.
Now picture this, you are helping your 6 yrs old niece to ride a bicycle. You of course are God and someone who possess some supernatural powers that you can ride a strange vehicle like a BICYCLE. Anyways, here in this case, you are now teaching your niece, and while she is driving you just cannot predict what she’s gonna do next or what her “heuristic” would make her do next. So it’s something not in your control nor that you can predict it with any certainty.
So you tell what’s more complex, Rocket science or Humans and their emotions.
Taking the thoughts a bit forward, we can find it very difficult to maintain ourselves when occasionally some snags creep up in our relationships. You have a fight with your Girlfriend/boyfriend and you just cannot concentrate on anything else in this world. You want to propose to a girl/boy whom you like very much and your digestion goes for a toss, your heart beat runs like Rajdhani express and you breath in a way that even PT Usha would not after running a marathon. What’s all this?? Why all these unusual behaviors?? And now imagine you giveup your food because your computer’s hard-disk just crashed, or your bike’s engine require an overhaul. Feel like laughing after reading these… don’t stop yourself but once you are finished with laughing just think for a while that what is more complex.
I thank IC for awakening me to this reality and now I will be very careful while helping my niece to learn to ride a bicycle. And before I close this, I would like to tell you all that now I seriously wish that I was a rocket Scientist. Atleast my life would have had some things that were SIMPLER!!!!.
it s about finding patterns in a seemingly complex phenomenon. If u find one it s simple, if u don't it s complex even if appears simple. Thanks IC for the enlightenment
very true Prometheus_x,
kudos to IC for the enlightenment
i agree that predicting human behavior is very difficult. Take an example of an boy falling in love with a girl..
everybody has his own style of proposing and many a times not proposing :) again the reactions from the girl can be many.
I think the religious books have tried to reduce the complexity of human behavior by trying to show the ideal way of living.
It was great reading ur blog :) IC has been one of my fav..
Keep blogging :D
about boy falling in love with girl example... it's not IC's example.It's ur own!!!
Oh well, u shud know :-p :-D
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